If you think that a friend or peer may have alcohol poisoning, it’s crucial to get help. Calling 911 or alerting a resident assistant can make the difference between life and death. If you’re under 21, you may be wondering if you’d get in trouble if you were drinking and got help for someone you thought had alcohol poisoning.
The answer is no. Both Pennsylvania and Penn State protect underage individuals who get help for someone who may have alcohol poisoning.
Pennsylvania Medical Amnesty Law States:
If an individual, in good faith, calls and believes they are the first to call 911, police, ambulance or campus security, gives their name and stays with the person to prevent that person’s death or serious injury, the caller is immune from prosecution for consumption or possession of alcohol.
Penn State’s Responsible Action Protocol States:
Students who act responsibly by notifying the appropriate authorities (e.g., calling 911, alerting a resident assistant, contacting police) typically will not face University disciplinary action for their own alcohol violations, unless they are responsible for other violations (e.g., vandalism, assault) as well. However, these students will be required to attend BASICS or a similar program; the fee will be waived.
The bottom line is: If you suspect that someone may need medical assistance, call 911. You could save a life. For more information, please contact:
Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board
Office of Regulatory Affairs
Bureau of Alcohol Education
Toll-free: 1(800) 453-PLCB (7522)
Hearing Impaired: T D D/ T T D / T T Y (717) 772-3725
Penn State Office of Student Conduct
Email Student Conduct : Student Conduct AT psu.edu