PSU #1 for Active Lifestyles

Take one glance around campus and you’ll see that Penn State students look quite healthy. Recently, that ‘look’ has been confirmed; Penn State students have been recognized for their active lifestyle efforts.  According to the National Collegiate Fitness Index ranking (NCFI), Penn State comes in at number 1!

With the numerous resources at University Park, it may not be any surprise that we are ranked so high. There seems to be something active and fun for almost everyone, from ballroom dance to table tennis and so much more. Check out all there is to do at

If you haven’t done so already, now might be a good time to make the commitment to be an Active Lion and become part of a Healthy PSU community.  Penn State’s Department of Kinesiology advocates for Exercise is Medicine each fall semester, encouraging students to make the pledge to move more and sit less #activelions (e.g. walk instead of taking the bus).  Show us how you are leading an active lifestyle on campus by using the #healthypsu.

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