An FDA Statement on Delta-8 THC

Earlier this month, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a warning about a national increase in delta-8 THC products.  Delta-8 THC is the psychoactive substance found in the cannabis plant.  Concentrated amounts of Delta-8 THC are manufactured from hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD) and used in food products such as gummies and brownies.  The FDA is reporting a recent increase in concerning emergency department visits by individuals who have consumed delta-8 THC.  We want to share information about the risks associated with these products.

Here are important facts that you should know about delta-8 THC:

  1. Delta-8 THC products are not approved or regulated by the FDA
    • The FDA does not regulate these products and the safety of their use has not been evaluated.  Any food product that is not regulated or approved by the FDA should be viewed with caution.
  2. Delta-8 THC has psychoactive and intoxicating effects
    • Delta-8 THC can produce psychoactive and intoxicating effects just like delta-9 THC, the main psychoactive compound found in marijuana.
    • The adverse health effects include vomiting, hallucinations, trouble standing, and loss of conscious.
  3. The production of Delta-8 often includes harmful chemicals
    • The manufacturing process of products containing delta-8 often includes other chemicals to achieve higher cannabinoid levels. The use of these chemicals and the manufacturing by-products can be harmful to one’s health.  
    • Manufacturing of delta-8 THC is likely to occur in uncontrolled and uninspected settings.

Like to know more about delta-8 THC and its associated risk? Check out the FDA’s most recent statement on delta-8 THC.

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