Beet Salad

A quick, light, and easy salad for lunch

Recipe by: Courtney Heidle​, HealthWorks Peer Educator


  • ½ can of sliced, cooked beets (or ½ c homemade cooked beets)​
  • 1-2 handfuls spinach​
  • 1-2 handfuls arugula ​
  • ½ handful sliced almonds ​
  • ½ c mandarin/sliced oranges ​
  • 2 Tbsp light balsamic or apple cider vinegar dressing ​
  • 2 Tbsp feta cheese (optional)​


  1. Chop and mix arugula and spinach, place into large bowl.​
  2. Cut beets into thin slices if not already cut, add them into bowl.​
  3. Cut oranges into cubes and add into salad with almonds and feta cheese.​
  4. Drizzle dressing of choice (balsamic or apple cider vinegar recommended).​
  5. Mix and serve salad or pack for a great lunch on the go! ​