Category Archives: Stress Management

Browse our ideas for stress management for college students. Learn tips and techniques to manage stress as a college student.

Penn State Student Health Assessment Report – 2016

Do PSU students get enough sleep?  How about enough exercise? Are students eating enough fruits and veggies?

The answers to these questions and more can be found in the 2016 Student Health Assessment Report.  Data in the report are based on the American College Health Association’s National College Health Assessment (ACHA-NCHA) that was conducted at Penn State. The report provides information about PSU students’ health habits, behavior, and perceptions.

The survey was conducted in March 2016 with a random sample of 10,500 students.  Students were contacted by email and invited to participate in the online survey. The report highlights the responses of 1,776 Penn State students who completed the survey (a 17% response rate). When compared to the overall University Park student population, females, White students, and Asian Students were over-represented among survey respondents. As a result, caution should be taken when interpreting these data as the data may not accurately reflect the health behaviors of the University Park student population as a whole.

PSU Annual Report 2016

Positive Thoughts

Positive thinking helps your stress level and can improve your health. People who engage in positive thinking tend to experience lower rates of depression and better psychological & physical well-being. Positive thinking may even increase your immune system’s ability to resist the common cold. Here are some strategies for thinking in a more positive way:

  • Check yourself. Take time throughout the day to evaluate what you’re thinking. If you notice that your thoughts are mainly negative, find a way to put a positive spin on them or think of something you are grateful for.
  • Be open to humor. Allow yourself to smile or laugh, especially during difficult times. Finding humor in tough situations can reduce stress.
  • Surround yourself with positive people. Choose to spend time with friends or family who are positive and supportive. Negative people may increase your stress level and lead to self-doubt.
  • Practice positive self-talk. Treat yourself as you would treat a friend or family member that you care about. Be gentle and encouraging with yourself. When you find yourself thinking negative thoughts about yourself, respond with positive and encouraging affirmations.

Take a Break in Nature

Spending time in nature can provide valuable benefits to your mental and physical health.  Penn State’s campus offers beautiful outdoor locations such as the Penn State Arboretum and the duck pond at the Hintz Family Alumni Center.    There will probably be some days when you just cannot get outside or it may be raining.  On those days, find a quiet spot indoors and try the following excerpt from “Calm; Calm the mind, change the world” by Michael Acton Smith.

Nature meditation

Begin by sitting comfortable in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.  Take a few breaths, allowing your mind to relax.

With your body planted firmly on the ground, feel the earth beneath you.  Picture yourself in a field or forest beneath a large, leafy tree with strong branches.  Smell the rich soil and clean air.  Listen to the wind rustling through the leaves and notice if you hear any birds or animals stirring within.

Visualize the tree’s leaves, ranches and trunk, then picture yourself reaching out to touch it.  Fell the texture of the bark. 

Be aware of the shade the tree offers, the wood it provides, how it cleans the air, and its beauty.

Appreciate the tree as a living organism.  Imagine it drinking up the water through its complex root system.  Visualize the lengthening, spreading branches, and the leaves opening toward the sun.

Smith, M. A. (2016). Calm; Calm the mind, change the world. New York: Harper Design.

Give Yourself a (Study) Break: Six Ways to Relax and Recharge

Have you been hard at work studying for finals? Build in breaks so you can recharge and refresh between study sessions. Here are just a few ideas:

  • Breathe: Only have a few minutes? Try closing your eyes and taking some deep breaths. Breathe in slowly through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth, letting your stomach rise and fall.
  • Get moving: Break up long periods of sitting by getting up and moving around. Do some light stretching, jumping jacks, or go for a quick walk around the building.
  • Make time for friends: Build a group fitness class or lunch date into your schedule so you can unwind with others.
  • Play: Challenge a friend to a game of cards or bust out the coloring books and crayons for some quiet time. Studying at the library? Enjoy games, activities, and snacks at their Destress Fest from 12/14-12/17.
  • Visit the De-Stress Zone in 201 Student Health Center: Listen to relaxing music on iPod stations and practice relaxation techniques using biofeedback programs. Available on a walk-in basis whenever UHS is open.
  • Practice yoga: UHS offers free yoga classes through 12/11 (Tuesdays and Thursdays 4-5 pm in 205 Student Health Center). PSU Fitness also offers a variety of yoga classes for students with fitness memberships.

Tips from the Sleep Sheep: 4 More Ways to Get More Zzzs

Are midterms stressing you out? Getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night can help. Not only does getting adequate sleep help you feel rested and more focused, but it also helps your brain to form memories, which comes in handy when you need to remember the stages of mitosis or the Spanish word for “textbook.”

These four tips from the Sleep Sheep can get you on your way to better sleep and better grades:

  1. Avoid tobacco, caffeine, and alcohol close to bedtime. sleep tipsNicotine and caffeine are stimulants and can keep you awake. Alcohol may make you feel sleepy, but it disrupts sleep later on in the night.
  2. Limit late night snacks. Eating or drinking too close to bedtime can make it difficult to sleep.
  3. Don’t let noise disrupt your sleep. Get free earplugs from 201 Student Health Center or run a fan to drown out noisy neighbors.
  4. Nap smarter. Limit daytime naps to 10-30 minutes during the midafternoon. Napping for longer or later in the day may make it harder to fall asleep at night.

For more tips, click here.


Tips from the Sleep Sheep: 5 Ways to Get More Zzzs

Sleep, sweet sleep. Not only does catching enough Zzzs feel great, but it’s also a way to keep your body and mind in tip-top shape. Although late nights may be tempting, not getting enough sleep is linked to lowered immune function, poorer eating habits, and impaired memory and learning.

To feel and perform at your best, make 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night a priority. If you’re not currently meeting this recommendation, the Sleep Sheep may be able to help. Check out these five simple tips for getting better sleep:sleep tips

  1. Keep a consistent schedule. Going to sleep and waking up around the same times every day will help set your internal clock and help you get better sleep.
  2. Create a pre-sleep ritual. Get ready for bed each night by practicing deep breathing or listening to relaxing music.
  3. Go dark for better sleep. Turn off lights, use curtains, or wear a sleep mask (available for free in 201 Student Health Center) to fall asleep faster.
  4. Keep your eyes off the clock. If you can’t sleep, don’t watch the clock. Instead, get out of bed and read or listen to relaxing music. When you feel tired again, go back to bed.
  5. Hit the gym at least 2-3 hours before you hit the hay. Regular exercise earlier in the day can help you fall asleep at night, but working out too close to bedtime can interfere with sleep.