Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Week

March 20-24th is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Week at University Park.  This annual week is designed to raise awareness about the issue of sexual violence on campus, and is organized by UPUA in collaboration with many University partners. A variety of events are taking place throughout the week, including guest speakers Sheryl Wudunn on March 20th, and Anjelica Ross on March 22nd.

One key component of trying to reduce sexual assault involves training students to intervene in situations where someone might be at risk.  Stand for State, which is a program specific to Penn State, promotes safety year round by encouraging individuals to take action against sexual and relationship violence, bias and discrimination, mental health concerns, and risky alcohol, drug use.

Stand for State offers two training programs that delve into the specific ways to tackle concerning behavior. Check out the website for training opportunities

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