By Lindsay Moran | HealthWorks Peer Educator
Studies have shown that there may be an association between healthy eating patterns and academic success among college students. One study found that students who incorporate breakfast into their daily routine had a significantly higher GPA. This study also found that those who consumed more than 2 servings of fruits daily had significantly higher GPA (Burrows, et al., 2017). This change could be as simple as packing a piece of fruit as a snack between classes. Click here to learn about how to incorporate more fruits and veggies into your diet. You could also sign up for a nutrition session with a HealthWorks peer educator to learn more about the benefits of healthy eating!
Work cited:
Burrows, T. L., Whatnall, M. C., Patterson, A. J., & Hutchesson, M. J. (2017, September 25). Associations between dietary intake and academic achievement in college students: A systematic review. MDPI. Retrieved March18, 2021, from