Prepping for Final Exams

Try these three simple steps to help you feel more prepared for the busy week ahead. 

  1. Identify courses that need your attention. For example, check your current grades and know how much final exams are worth. Classes that you need to score well in should be prioritized.  
  2. Make a to-do list! Write down everything you must complete before the end of the week. This creates a visual picture of your tasks for the week and makes it much easier to create a schedule. Once this is done, prioritize each item; list what is most important to least important.  
  3. Use the Pomodoro Study Technique! This technique is based on structured study cycles that consist of 25 minutes of uninterrupted studying (this may mean turning off your electronics) followed by a 5-minute relaxing break. You can repeat this cycle as many times as you need to complete your work.  

Good luck on your exams! 

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